Posted by Jack on 10/7/2013 to
Tips and tricks for projectors
Projector lamps are an intricate technological marvel that has enabled advances in the way images are displayed and conveyed to a group or audience. These lamps are comprised of 5 main components that, when working cohesively, will produce the desired effect. These are an ARC tube, mercury vapor, electrical wiring, quartz globe reflector, and plastic housing.
An electrical current passes through what is called an ARC Tube that contains mercury vapor. This vapor is lit and shines onto a Liquid Crystal Display. This complex process is a driving factor as to why the costs for projectors are quite expensive.
The bulbs themselves have a typical life of 2000 hours. The two main types of bulbs are incandescent or halogen. Halogen bulbs prove to be more effective because the bulbs tend to darken quicker in incandescent ones. To prolong the lifespan of the bulbs, several measures can be taken. Avoid turning on and off the machine rapidly, as this will negatively affect the vapor trapped inside the machine. Additionally, routinely changing the filter will help prevent dust from entering the machine. This causes the lights to burn brighter and hotter, thus reducing the lifespan of the bulbs. Replacing this filter systematically will prove cost effective down the road, since replacement bulbs can be pricey.
Projector lamps are an efficient way to project a desired story or image to an audience and are well worth the money, as long as proper care is afforded to ensure their longevity.