Mitsubishi HC910 Projector Lamp Options
Posted by ron on 9/1/2010 to
Cheap Projector Lamps And Bulbs
Mitsubishi projector lamps are available in a variety of
brands. We have customers ask us frequently “is the original Mitsubishi lamp
better?” This is the answer I give them that details the differences.
HC910 - Great Projector Replacement Lamp
Posted by Stacy on 8/27/2010 to
Cheap Projector Lamps And Bulbs
Mitsubishi HC910 Lamp – Why It’s a Great Projector Replacement Lamp
The Mitsubishi HC910 lamp is a great lamp for replacing! At the LC0910 (also known as the VLT-HC910LP lamp) is one of our most popular projector replacement lamps.Discover Affordable Mitsubishi HC1500 Projector Lamps And Bulbs
Posted by ron on 8/12/2010 to
Cheap Projector Lamps And Bulbs
Mitsubishi projectors and rear projection TVs use substitute lamp fixture modules. They last forever around the shelf, but once installed, that projector or Tv light will typically last from 1000 to 6000 hours.